Saturday, January 27, 2007

Weekend Bikes and Shoes

Punkinpie and I woke up and had a lazy morning in bed. It was pretty nice.
We also had a "date" night last night too.
It's a tradition that I really like for several reasons. First, it declares that you are both going to give your undivided attention to the other. It can be pretty frustration for either person if you're not on the same page about this. Second, it gives us the opportunity to try a new place to eat, because usually we go out to eat on a "date" night. Third, there's just something fun about still thinking about dating, when we've been living together for years now. We still date!
We walked up to Rockridge and had dinner at Pearl for our "date" night. The food actually was really good, except for what happened afterwards. I woke up in the middle of the night and was really glad that we had indoor plumbing. (I actually lived for many years with a composting toilet that was only accessible by walking outside. I was in a school bus for part of that, but here's one of the cabins on that land.) I think the problem was these greens that we couldn't identify. Though looked really cool, with their spiral stems, but I'm not so sure my body could deal with whatever they were.
I took a shower while Punkinpie went and got some milk at the corner store. He normally drinks rice milk, and so do I by default. Though I prefer soy milk. It's just easier to use what's in the fridge.
I went downstairs and made breakfast, which today was farina. When that was done and Punkinpie wasn't home yet, I occupied my time by taking the recycling out from the kitchen. And for some reason I decided to keep the bottles that have returns separate. I ended up putting them in a paper bag and putting them on the street. (I think I secretly hope that everybody starts doing that so we don't have to hear the homeless types digging through our recycling can at three in the morning on garbage night. They're really loud with their grocery carts, and all those bottles clanking at night.)
When I got back inside Punkinpie was back and he had bought me a decaf mocha from the neighborhood coffee shop! That's the sweetest thing ever. He also had a deliciously purple blueberry smoothy too.
We ate breakfast and I went back to my office and worked some on various contract projects.
Punkinpie popped in and asked if I wanted to join him on a bike ride up Telegraph Ave to look for shoes. So we were off doing that.
It's so nice to ride bikes. I really enjoy it. I probably should wear my helmet more because I basically never wear it. I used to have really strong opinions about folks who didn't wear helmets, but now I've become one of them. It's pretty stupid not to wear one, really. Maybe I'll start wearing one now.
We roamed telegraph and went through various stores and didn't really find much except for this one cool screen printed t-shirt that this one street vendor had. It was a picture of the city of oakland sign (like this), except at the bottom it had a bike locked to the sign. The best part was that the bike was stripped. Classic.
Finally we had lunch at Smart Alec, and it was good. I realized I was late for meeting a friend, and headed out on my bike to her house. We walked to this costume shop near her house and tried on some potential wedding costumes. I didn't really find much that amazed me. But she did give me a couple ideas of stores to look in next.
Then I came home and worked on the house. I sanded the spots I had spackled last night, and re-spackled them. I think they'll be ready to paint tomorrow.
Now, after finishing this blog entry, I'm going to work some more. I can't think of anything else that I really want to do right now. So I might as well bill some hours.

Cool Links for Today:
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