Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Other people think my life fascinating...

I went back and checked the Juan's email thread, and in none of them did I find a question.

So my exciting day so far... I woke up at about 5:45 this morning to get Brian and Amanda to the airport by about 7:00AM. Got into work about 20 minutes after that. There were maybe three other cars in the parking lot, but I didn't see anybody on my floor. Powered up my laptop and logged in. Realized that I left my books I had delivered last night (Software Requirements and Writing Effective Use Cases) down at the my car, so I went and got them. Took a water break. Opened up some websites to see what's going on in the world., and then Bathroom break. Another water break. The guy in the cube next to me showed up at about 7:45. "morning, ray" "morning,matt." Sent an instant message to one of the people on my team that works on the East coast. She didn't have a great answer to the question I asked her. I asked her a follow-up question and she went silent. Onto the next website Read further explanation about how Bush's healthcare plan is actually a startlingly evil plan to try to moveeveryone into individual health plans, which is great for insurance companies, rich people, and young, healthy, greedy people. On to A somewhat interesting article about whetherfailed presidential candidates have a chance at running again, and why or why not. Onto, a blog by a defense attorney. Been following a case about a school teacher who is being prosecuted for having porn on her classroom computer and exposing children to it. It sounds like the defendent just had some spyware/adware on her computer, and it's the pop-ups she was convicted for. Also been following the Scooter Libbytrial through that site...

It's 8:45 and I still haven't really done anything yet. There are more people milling about, but it's still pretty quiet. Responded to an email.

So, any questions?

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