Friday, January 26, 2007

First Post

I kind of wanted just OLAF, but unfortunately some guy named Olaf Klien already took that one. Bummer. Well, I'm going to post under the pseudonym of "Yar," just on the off-chance that someone is reading this and I say something that I shouldn't. Let's see for how long we can keep up with the daily updates of our fascinating, fascinating lives.

Let me know what you guys think. I just chose the default template that I found the least annoying. I can change fonts and colors if you have suggestions.


punkinpie said...

Why Yar?

punkinpie said...

Nice work on getting it set up, Yar.

rainbow said...

Thanks for settting it up!

where's your posts? tell us about your day.

oh, you might need a question, right?
yar, how was you day, in detail?