Thursday, January 25, 2007

Early Unix Morning, Marriage License

Today I woke up way earlier than normal, a full two hours earlier actually and jumped into the shower while the world outside was dark. I was "conferencing" with somebody in Vermont at 7am my time and 10am their time. We did some work and then hit a roadblock that required me to email my boss on a contract and get more info. Because I got done so much earlier than expected, I woke up Punkinpie to go to Oakland and get our wedding license. All along we were going to go today, but then this conference call came up and we rescheduled. Since it ended early, we were back on to going to get that license.
I started the shower for him and we had a quick breakfast. We entered our info on the computer at the county clerk's office and then waited. There, a person told us in repeated detail how to fill out the final wedding license form, and mail it back to them. After we left, it made me question "Do people still mess up this process after all that instruction?". The instructions were markedly redundant.
Punkinpie left me in Oakland (He lacked the time to bring me back home) and I saw a Smart 'n Final where I researched wedding options. They had biodegradable (made out of corn or something) plates that would cost us less to use than renting plates. But all along with the wedding planning, I've been saying how I won't have paper plates. For me, that was an important expectation with our wedding. (Punkinpie didn't care) But here I was price shopping and considering them (because of the rental bill total). I called Punkinpie to ask his thoughts and because I was sure he was still driving, but he wasn't so we ended that call quickly.
I walked 10 or so blocks and caught the BART and walked home from MacArthur Station. While walking home I got a phone call about some documents that Punkinpie had to sign, and they needed to be quickly because other things were depending on them. All along I was under the impression that only I would have to sign those documents, but I found out My Punkinpie did too. Which presented some problems because they needed to be signed during business hours in Oakland, and Punkinpie works in Richmond mostly.
I called him and he was able to meet right then. So I jumped into my car which has been basically out of gas for a week now. (It runs biodiesel and the station has very limited hours in Berkeley). I drove to the meeting and wondered while looking at the needle in the lower part of the red zone for the gas gauge, how accurate I could expect that part of the gauge to be. Then I decided that it would be okay if I ran out of gas coming home, as long as I made it to the meeting.
I did make it home, and now I wonder if I'll have enough gas to make it to the station.
I got that extra info I needed from my boss and called up the guy in Vermont and for the past hour he's been driving my computer from Vermont as if he's sitting at it (using VNC - Yar; admittedly a weird setup).
He's doing some work on some unix servers of one of my clients. And having him come into my computer, and then tunnel into my client's computers allows me to login and logout from the client computers without my subcontractor knowing passwords and such.
And I have to say that subcontracting this part of the contract has been the best thing ever. He's so much faster than me and he really knows what he's doing.
And that's my day so far. I have to say that it's been pretty good.

Cool Links for My Day:
Mashup of Property Sold in the Bay Area and Google Maps
Real Estate Search Engine (I have high hopes for this company)

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