Monday, March 1, 2010

Maternal Death Rates on Rise in CA

In 1996 the maternal death rate in CA was 5.6 per 100,000.
In 2006 it's 16.9.

That's a huge increase. It's a scary increase actually. One article I read said
"it’s more dangerous to give birth in California than it is in Kuwait or Bosnia"
I still get so fired up at the wrongness of hospitals pushing C-sections and inductions on patients that simply don't have any indications that anything is wrong. Dilating at 1 cm an hour, as is the currently accepted rate of progress of a hospital delivery, is ridiculous. If that rate had been applied to me, I would have had a c-section too. (I had a very normal first time birth of 20 hours.)

Although having a c-section with your first birth is slightly more dangerous than giving birth naturally (assuming you don't have any reasons to be categorized as higher risk). It's the following births that are much more dangerous. For one, many hospitals won't even let you have a natural birth after having a c-section - so that's more surgery whether you need it/want it, or not.

The main issue is that you will have scars from the previous c-sections. If you're unlucky enough to have the placenta on those scars, your body can't cap off the placenta after the child is born and you can bleed to death. Imagine having many c-sections. Your chances of having the placenta on those scars just get higher and higher.

Here's some good articles about this newly issued report that is showing that the maternal death rate is drastically on the rise here in good 'ole CA. (And here's the chart.)

I wish I could get this data for the Bay Area Counties.


Jenn T. said...

I read this post on the day I went into labor... I have to admit it scared me a bit. It was in the back of my mind while I was in labor at the hospital and when I had my eventual C-section. In California, do they not allow women to try vaginal birth after they had a C-section the first time? I've been watching all these shows on TLC where women have "vaginal births after C-section (VBAC)" since the risk of complication is thought to be relatively low so the choice is up to the mother. Just wondering for the future.

BTW, Maddie is a cutie pie and I vote for the both of you to go to Japan :)

punkinpie said...

I'm pretty sure my sister had a VBAC at Alta Bates in Berkeley. I think it's up to the doctor and the hospital. Not sure if a midwife would be legally allowed to do it at home though.

rainbow said...

Yes, progressive Berkeley has some hospitals that will allow them; dr willing. But most places throughout the country will not. And for good reason too. The hospital and Dr makes more money doing a C-section, so why wouldn't they limit something that would reduce this income?

Tweetifer: I'm really sorry that this post caused you fear. Especially right near your labor.