Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sleep Progress

I've wanted to share this for a couple days now, but I also really didn't want to jinx what was happening.

Maddie has started only waking up around 5am for a feeding. She'll usually go back to sleep for a couple hours too. So she's going 10 hours or more from the time she goes to bed until she wakes up for that feeding. I'm pretty excited that she's doing this on her own. She's so close to just plain dropping that feeding and sleeping continuously throughout her nighttime.

I previously had a plan to night wean her. Then I decided I'd rather move her into her crib in our room first, and then work on nighttime food consumption. I had heard not to do these at the same time. Since we haven't had a chance to do the rearranging required to get her crib in our room, we haven't done anything at all. One feeding at night is still not that bad, and having it be that late in the night is great.

In other news, Maddie can pretty much sit on her own unsupported and not fall over. I still put a pillow or something behind her in case she does fall over. But she's become a pretty solid sitter.

These pictures are from Willard park in Berkeley. We went there this past weekend.


Krista said...

She is such a cutie! Glad to hear about the sleep progress. We like Willard, too.

Kitty Deschanel said...

She's adorable! A trip to Japan sounds like fun.