Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More Milestones

Maddie's been able to stand, holding on to something, for a month or so now. She's gotten really strong and will grab my shirt collar to support herself without me holding on to her. It's pretty impressive. Lately I've been showing her how to pick up a foot and move it forward and then do the next one while supporting her.

Well, when I came home from work today she was taking steps all by herself! (I was providing support, of course) But I couldn't believe it. I was actually talking to a friend of mine when she started doing this. She ended up "walking" about a couple feet before she stopped doing it. The steps were so cute and small. And the excitement she had was contagious! I'm sure she's starting to realize the power that mobility will provide for her. She'll get to go right to the toys she wants and be able to move around.

We found a permanent family to share our Nanny with and their boy, Sebastian, is about a year old. He's a really good crawler and can get around easily. I'm hoping that he'll influence her to learn how to crawl.

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