Saturday, January 9, 2010

We've Been Skunked. Twice.

In the past week or two Stella has had some interactions with skunks. The first time it was bad, but I rubbed her down with some anti skunk stuff and called it good. I think she got farther away before she got sprayed.

This time she got nailed. She was dripping wet all through her chest. Of course this happens in the middle of the night. Last night, I had these weird dreams about burnt food and garbage.

Last time I got this skunk smell remover and used a wash cloth and did the best that I could. She still stunk, but not as bad as she had before. I assumed it would wear off over time.

This time, it was so bad. I did what the bottle said to do. I got her super saturated with that stuff, let it dry (sort of) and then rinsed her off. She was not happy about that at all. I don't think I've ever seen her wet, this wet, in the 9 years that I've had her. She was crying and screaming. It sounded like we were torturing her. And to her, we probably were.

I wish she was smart enough to realize that if she tangos with skunks, she might get a bath. But I'm guessing it was too far after her getting sprayed to make that bath association.

Check out how small she is all wet. She's like a completely different cat.

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