Friday, January 29, 2010

Metering Lights

I wonder what percentage of people partially or completely ignore the bay bridge metering lights?
Again today the car ahead of me stopped where they were supposed to, and then just went. The light hadn't turned green.

It's possible that they thought it turned green, or they were looking at the wrong lane's light. But to me both of those things indicate somebody who probably shouldn't be driving. I feel much safer thinking that they just feel entitled. But then why bother stopping at all? I think it's because to everybody else it makes them look like they're not blowing off the light. A more subtle act of entitlement in that they know they're not entitled and don't want everybody else to see that they think they are.

If only a couple people do this, it probably doesn't matter to much. It's when a higher percentage of people start doing this that it can affect the system. And there's really no way of getting caught. At least not until it becomes a large enough issue that "they" start figuring out how to enforce it.

1 comment:

Krista said...

I hate that! The other day there was a really long line at the bakery where we often get morning pastries and coffee. Some woman came in, pushed her way in front of everyone to get to the shelf with the pastries on it, and then, rather than waiting in line to pay like everyone else, just cut to the front of the line, handed the cashier her money, and then left! I was floored! There were about 20 people in line.