Saturday, June 20, 2009

Upcoming Father's Day

The other day somebody asked me what I was looking forward to with this new family addition. It's something that I've been thinking about quite a bit since then.

One thing that keeps bubbling to the surface of my mind is the excitement I have at getting to watch my honeypot turn into a Father. I've noticed pretty much ever since I've known him how drawn to kids he is and how amazing he is when playing and interacting with various aged kids. It seems to me that kids are also drawn to him too.

In some ways my honeypot is still a kid at heart. He still has the ability to play, which I think quite a few adults have lost. This ability and attraction to playing still permeates his life in many ways. It's the attraction to exploring new things, and seeking out those new experiences. It's also slowing down enough to mindfully be aware of the little things and enjoy them. In a lot of ways I think this is the source of some, if not all, of his life force. It's still a part of mine too.

I'm really looking forward to watching him help our daughter learn how to explore her world and play with it and us.

The image is the symbol for father on the left and daughter on the right in Kanji.

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