Monday, October 20, 2008

Letting it Slip

My dad always used to respond to my comments about time passing faster and faster with this: "You wait until you're my age."

Several weeks ago I reconnected with an old high school friend using facebook. Yeah, I used to steer away from those social networking type of websites, but I'm starting to understand their appeal. Anyway, next thing I know, several weeks have passed and I still haven't responded.

This weekend my honey and I went to Tahoe with some friends and stayed with my mother-in-law in her new house. It's got a great view and even better decks. I like that house. The boys went mountain biking and I stayed home and read with the yummy mountain air. Pix here. I might actually get to ski on a semi-regular basis now that we can combine visiting her with skiing.

In other news, I finally bottled my experimental Ginger Beer. I was quite rushed though because I was getting picked up for the previously mentioned trip to Tahoe.

The plant starts that I started a couple weeks ago are doing great! I'm so excited to get my garden going for the next round of food.

I bought a violin a couple days ago too. My honey recently purchased a guitar and has been playing it tons. He plays in a band called Macaroni and the Cheese and wants me to join the band too. So I went out and got one. We'll see how it goes.

This past weekend we had breakfast at this new place. It's only a couple blocks from our house and it's another new breakfast spot! I love this! Our neighborhood is changing so much. It's getting better and better. If only we could afford to live there one one income..


thuy said...

hey, do you guys have a guest room? if so, i would like to come over and camp for a weekend.

rainbow said...

I would love to hang out with you for a weekend. It'll be like a girls sleepover - but all crafty like! Are you available for the weekend of Nov 1?

thuy said...

yay! i will have nov 1 free but not 2. my man friend's grandpa is coming into town for the day. i would like to sew a tutu or a very fluffy skirt. i would also like to try screen printing on tshirts. if neither works for you, i would be happy just to assist you with the tomato canning.