Monday, October 13, 2008


I'm so lucky to have my honey to fix my electronics. He's soldering the sound out of my laptop right now. It's a very exciting moment.

I'm also excited about all the plants I'm starting right now. Some fava beans, spinach, asian greens, and some others. I'm working towards growing more edibles around here. I think there's something to eating food grown nearby.

Warning, the following is horribly not PC, but it's really freakin funny. Massively entertaining.


thuy said...

that website is pretty funny. thanks for the link.

e, do you know how to make a tutu or a petticoat? let's have craft night and make some.

rainbow said...

I would love to have craft night again! I just need to get off my butt an organize.
I can help you make those things. I made a bunch of tutu's for the past burning man.

Hopefully next time you'll come up to tahoe and us girls can hang out.