Saturday, February 10, 2007

I Would Never Have Thought

I would never have thought what an irritating and profound effect NOT having internet is right now. There's so many things I do through the internet, besides just using it to look up stuff.

Our internet has been down for over 2 days now and I've finally found a coffee shop where I paid $5 for internet for the next 24 hours. The good thing about that is that I can use it tomorrow to finish up what I still haven't done tonight. (This place closes in 45 minutes.)

Here I am blogging when I should be tackling this internet related list I created. It's so ridiculous.

Just so you all know, we don't have internet at home and I rarely do 'fun' internet stuff at work, so don't think there's some change in pattern with my blogging. I'll be back when the internet is back.

1 comment:

squiggles said...

Okay I think I finally got the hang of this I am crossing my fingers that this posts... Well my life has been good but busy busy busy. My birthday officially lasted for two weeks. I actually got two presents today! Fabulous. My classmates are wunderbar, good peeps. My little sister came into town this weekend for birthday celebration #5. We had a movie night on Friday because it was raining like CRAZY. We at popcorn, nachos, red vines and I made a special hot chocolate :) Saturday we went to visit my mom in San Jose and it was great, lots of lounging, lots of giggling, eating, watching cooking shows, ahhhh. Now I'm back in school. Presentation in 2 hours. Pressure is on. And I can't help but daydream about red vines and nachos, the kind with the processed cheese that they give you in the movie theaters. My vice, processed cheese. I know, gross. Why does school make me crave junk food?