Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Okay People, Where Are You?

It's almost two minutes before the 7th of Feb begins and I have to ask this:
Where are you people?
It's been a while and I'm starting to think you've all just fizzled out with all this. Yar, where are you? Note the direct question.

My life has been okay. Yesterday was really stressful for me because I started to realize just how bad it was that I was so hung over Sunday that I wasn't able to get anything done. I think it would be fair to say that I started freakin out.
Here's what's stressing me out:
  • Our wedding in 17 days. And I still have no idea of what costume or otherwise I'm going to wear. And there's so many things that we haven't finalized yet. Tick Tock, we are fast running out of time.
  • Dealing with a house closing in another state that should have closed on Monday that did no due to an escrow officer that made a large mistake. (Yup, it's true folks, it really does matter which paper pusher you choose to use. They can screw up your life and have you worrying about large amounts of money.) Ours wasn't quite like that, but you get the idea. It should close on Thursday now.
  • Handling the early days of work. Which while I must say I'm getting more comfortable there and more used to everything, I'm still a little worried about my first projects. It's a general fear, there's no real reason for it. I do what I do well, and I do know that. Or as Punkinpie likes to have me say "I'm a smart cookie."
  • The general lack of free time that my current working full-time life and dragging my butt to SF to do it in has, as compared to working at home and not concerning myself with making phone calls or handling personal business during regular working hours. I can do this now, but I don't think it's okay to deal with say, 10 phone calls, in a day - which is what Monday, will all that house crap, was about.

which brings me back to this point:

Where are you people? Am I all lone here?

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