Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I've become a lurker on my own blog

I should probably post more often, just so I don't have to start every post off with an apology. I have been lurking though, so thanks for keeping up with the posting while I've been busy.

I've been in ITIL training since Monday. Monday was 8:30-5:00, which is brutally early for me. Tuesday, Wednesday and tomorrow have been 7:30-4:30, which is just a little bit excessive. I woke up last night at 3:00AM and thought to myself, hey, it's completely dark, must be time to wake up! I was psyched that I had another two and a half hours more to sleep. It has been a weird couple of days, but maybe that's due to the sleep-dep.

Sunday was tough for me as well. I guess it started with me being sick at around 6AM. Showered, went to sleep again. Woke up at around 1PM. Made it out on my ride by around 3PM, which meant that it would have to be pretty quick if I wanted to beat the sunset. Kevlar said there were going to be a lot of cars on the road, but I figured that would clear up once the superbowl started. Was I wrong. Turned out the Queen Mary II was coming into SF and most of my bike route, from the Presidio to the Marin Headlands, was clotted with spectators. I didn't even know what it was about until I talked to a ranger on the Marin-side of the bridge. The boat was pretty big, but it wasn't like it hit the bridge or anything. Rode pretty slow since I was still feeling a bit of the hangover.

Then I've been in class. Class has been ok, but it's hard to stay focused for that long. I used to about twice the number of bathroom breaks normally, so just chilling and drinking water (which is the only thing you can actually do) is pretty excruciating.

On Tuesday, I went to spin class at my work. There were two very attractive girls, which is sort of unheard of (one is kind of unheard of), but kind of a nice change. Not an entirely positive change though, because the bikes are all in a half-circle, and you're pedaling for about an hour, and... you've got to look at something. So I had to try to not be a pervert (or be perceived to be a pervert) so I'm looking at the ground, my handlebars, the clock on the wall, but not too long over by the clock, because there was another girl on the treadmill who wasn't really all that attractive, but had a... an extreme bouncing issue. After she finally stopped bouncing away, another woman came over her to talk about something. The woman who came over casually leaned up against the treadmill and put her foot on the treadmill. Not realizing the treadmill was still running, she went from a relaxed lean to lump on the ground in about a millisecond. Everyone got quiet, but it turned out she was ok. It was hilarious, but I couldn't laugh since everyone was soooo concerned. It was totally something I could see myself doing.

On Tuesday I realized I was a week ahead. What I mean by that is that I was completely convinced that it was the 12th. I actually gained a week, which felt pretty awesome. It's like daylight savings x 168. Actually I was pretty psyched that Valentine's day was coming up so quick, so I wouldn't have to think about it anymore. I dread Feb 14th the way that some people dread Friday the 13th.

Wednesday was uneventful, tomorrow will probably be fairly uneventful too. Going to probably go indoor rock climbing with my friend that's back from Colorado tomorrow night, so that's something to look forward to.

It's 10:30PM now, so I better get ready for bed!

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