Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cough, Cough

I might be patting myself on the back a little but..
I'm pretty excited about how far I've made it in the updates, rebuilds and overhauls of our computer systems. The first step was getting a much faster pc, and I did back in mid Sept. It can handle so much more than my old machine. It's great. Then there was moving everything over from the old machine to the new Vista machine, getting all the backups working and tested again, and finally moving my scripts for BASH. I also took this opportunity to tidy up some of my data too which always takes time.

A perk in all this is that I figured out one of the hard drives was very loud. And all this time I though it was the power fan. I got rid of that and now I can actually sleep with the office door open. It's really nice to not have the office sounds potentially affect my sleep anymore.

In the past couple weeks I've rebuilt the old machine with Ubuntu - which I'm pretty happy with. I'm such a noob. I know how to do stuff, and I just have to look up the correct commands, but doing anything is soo freakin slow sometimes.

I got our home network switched over to a new 802.11n router. This things is freakin fast. 160Mbps+. We can stream video through it to our living room. It's awesome. No more network cable in our living room!

My last step is to put OS X on the second harddrive of the ubuntu machine so I can start playing with iPhone development. I'm pretty interested in that and I have some ideas with it. Wouldn't it be cool to make an app that everybody's willing to pay a couple dollars for and tons of people use it? That would be pretty cool.

I did get Grub installed tonight so this weekend I'll work on OSX on the second harddrive. Wish me luck.

The picture above is one my honey took in the past couple of months. I like it, so I'm sharing it.


William Burke said...

I'd like to know how it goes getting OS X on the second drive. I didin't think it was that straightforward. Any links you use would be great. Good luck.

rainbow said...

I'll set up a post when I make more progress. The latest is that the 5gb download of the kalyway distro (which is what I was told to use by a friend who did this last week) unzipped to be empty. It's a very large empty if you ask me, but I haven't had a chance to investigate yet. More soon.