Monday, November 10, 2008

My Bubble has Finally Burst

I suppose I should be thankful for the over two solid months of pure and unwavering love I've experienced for my iPhone. Well, those days are over. I will probably soon be hesitantly in love/like with my iPhone for the foreseeable future, assuming we can repair our broken relationship.

Today I left work and as I was walking towards the bart I was planning on entering that cookie purchase I bought in the afternoon. (I've been tracking where I spend my money using Quickbank.) I quickly discovered that I had lost 4 pages of apps and all their data at some point during the day. I walked back to work to take a look at the iTunes there and it was empty, which was expected. I've always had the sync turned off there and only used it to recharge my battery. I didn't reconnect my phone on the off chance that somehow Apple support could help me.

I came home and went down to the Apple store only to be told that they had no appointment's open for their genius bar and instead I now have one for tomorrow. The guy I was able to talk to suggested there really wasn't anything I, or they, could do besides sync it. So I came home and reconnected it to my computer here to resync it. It has thrown a total of 7 red exclamation errors, one of which complaining about not being able to find the disk (!!). This is not a good sign. The extra odd part is that the phone works fine, and my contacts are fine too. So it is actually working, in some ways.

I can't express how sad this makes me because I really loved my iPhone, but it sure is a different thing when you know at any moment you can lose all your notes and other data you use every single day.

I hadn't been able to get my backup onto the phone or my apps that I could see in iTunes yet. But I shutdown iTunes and rebooted my phone again. Then I restarted iTunes and turned on my phone and there have been no red exclamation points yet and it's still syncing. Wish me luck.

My honeypot wanted me to mention his $300 ipod from several years ago (that's currently sitting on his desk) that lasted about a year before it died. Needless to say, he's not a fan of Apple. Or as he says he's "disappointed in their product robustness."

In other news, last night I randomly searched on "stella the cat" and this blog came up about a cat named Stella that looks startingly like my Stella. Coincidence? I think not. She must come from a long line of Stella's. Meow.

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