Friday, October 31, 2008

Where do you Stand Politically?

This is something I've always wondered about. I know generally that I'm left leaning, but I also have some right leaning views on certain subjects.
A friend just sent me this great test that will put you on a chart according to your answers.

Those are my results on the left.

Go here if you'd like to take the test yourself, or just read more about it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Too Close To Call

Click this link to see which countries in the world support which Presidential candidate.

Monday, October 27, 2008

What the heck is Cous Cous?

Well, here in the good 'ole US of A it's basically chopped up pasta. So says my food expert friend. However, in other countries it's not quite that. Wikipedia says that in other countries it's actually more like:
rolling and shaping moistened semolina wheat and then coating them with finely ground wheat flour
Oh, wait. That's pretty close to chopped up pasta, minus the labor.
I'm glad I had the opportunity to eat "authentic" couscous on my travels to Morocco (in Sept 2003). That was a fun trip. When's my next one? I'm starting to feel like I need to get another trip in while I can.

In other news, and speaking of travel. Guess where I'm flying to for $162 including all service charges, fees, and taxes? Round trip direct to NYC in mid-January!! How can they cover their costs flying a plane with fares that low cross country? I'm so excited to go and hang out with an old friend, and explore Manhattan some more.

The first picture is of my friend and I on a 3 day trip in the Sahara desert in mid Sept 2003. Actually, it may have been longer. I don't remember exactly anymore. There was nothing except sand, sun, friends, a couple camels, and what felt like endless time. The second picture is something we saw from the road at one point.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Burned by the Highway

For some reason people I usually drive with prefer to use the highway to get across town, rather then using city streets. For me, I prefer the variety of scenery and the usually less aggression required to drive city streets. But every once in a while I'll think that maybe they're right. Maybe it would be faster to take the highway across town. And rarely does it turn out that way. And yet I still try. Today I took the highway from my house to here and I don't think I went over 15 mph until right at the end. The worst part of driving that slow on the highway is the view. It's other cars, random people, and concrete. Yuck.

Last night some friends mentioned these services where you have to do a math puzzle in order to send an email at certain times, or not be able to drive or call certain people if you're too drunk. I think these are great services. They should take it a step further and make you blow a breathalizer to drive a car.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stained Glass

Last week my stained glass window class ended. It was super fun and it gave me a new understanding and respect for how amazing the stained glass is that my father-in-law gave us for our wedding. You can see a picture of it in this post. The lines are super thin which means his glass pieces perfectly fit together. And I can tell you how hard that is. Very hard and very tedious.

Anyway, here's a picture of my piece from the class. I like doing stained glass, but it's filled with tedious, time consuming steps. I may do it again, but I'm not sure. Another thing to consider is the expense.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Give and Give and Give

In the past couple of days I've picked almost 5 gallons of tomatoes from our plants. It had apparently been too long since the last time I picked some because there were a bunch of tomatoes that had split and fallen off the vines to become one with the ground. It's impressive to me how much food you can get from just a single plant!

I'm making more sauce to can. And this time I'm going to make some Tikka Masala that doesnt' have dairy or garlic so my honeypot can eat some too.

I really like that photo up there. It looks so country with the wood floor and bowl.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Letting it Slip

My dad always used to respond to my comments about time passing faster and faster with this: "You wait until you're my age."

Several weeks ago I reconnected with an old high school friend using facebook. Yeah, I used to steer away from those social networking type of websites, but I'm starting to understand their appeal. Anyway, next thing I know, several weeks have passed and I still haven't responded.

This weekend my honey and I went to Tahoe with some friends and stayed with my mother-in-law in her new house. It's got a great view and even better decks. I like that house. The boys went mountain biking and I stayed home and read with the yummy mountain air. Pix here. I might actually get to ski on a semi-regular basis now that we can combine visiting her with skiing.

In other news, I finally bottled my experimental Ginger Beer. I was quite rushed though because I was getting picked up for the previously mentioned trip to Tahoe.

The plant starts that I started a couple weeks ago are doing great! I'm so excited to get my garden going for the next round of food.

I bought a violin a couple days ago too. My honey recently purchased a guitar and has been playing it tons. He plays in a band called Macaroni and the Cheese and wants me to join the band too. So I went out and got one. We'll see how it goes.

This past weekend we had breakfast at this new place. It's only a couple blocks from our house and it's another new breakfast spot! I love this! Our neighborhood is changing so much. It's getting better and better. If only we could afford to live there one one income..

Monday, October 13, 2008


I'm so lucky to have my honey to fix my electronics. He's soldering the sound out of my laptop right now. It's a very exciting moment.

I'm also excited about all the plants I'm starting right now. Some fava beans, spinach, asian greens, and some others. I'm working towards growing more edibles around here. I think there's something to eating food grown nearby.

Warning, the following is horribly not PC, but it's really freakin funny. Massively entertaining.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Busy Day

Today was an active day. Here's what I did.
-had breakfast with my honey
-clear out the walkway of overgrown plants
-swept the sidewalk on both sides of our house
-replaced my office desk with a table and got everything set up again
-made chocolate chip cookies
-cooked dinner
I also canned some red sauce last night, and canned some tikka masala as well.

My honey put our new toilet in the upstairs bathroom, played his guitar, and other things too.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Honey Shaved Off All His Hair!

I had some before pictures, but they're all blurry. I guess you'll have to wait until you see him.

He has a cute head!