Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Standing Up And On The Move

Maddie can now pull herself up to standing from sitting. It's pretty impressive to watch. She still gets pretty excited by it. Yesterday was the first time I saw her do this and she got so excited that she fell over. It was really adorable (even though it was hard to watch her get frustrated when she realized that she wasn't standing anymore).

Today she's did this several times. She even has started sidestepping along the edge of the chair and shelf. About half the time she moves the wrong foot and tumbles down, but she's really learning the standing/balancing thing pretty fast.

I'm leaning towards thinking that she's going to walk before she crawls. Though she's made progress on the crawl front also. She'll pivot forward and land on her all fours. But she doesn't really know what to do from here and she gets really unhappy/frustrated with being in that position usually.

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