Monday, November 26, 2007

My Bad Luck Shirt

After a bunch of unfortunate delays, I finally made it to San Francisco on Sunday, but my bag didn't follow me. This isn't the first time that a bag got delayed for me, so I wasn't too worried about it. They said that they'd probably be able to get my bag to me by 8:00PM the same day, so it would really be a pretty minor inconvience. Unfortunately, my bag didn't arrive. Several calls later, I can finally track my bag online, but there is no updated status.

So I wake up today in a particularly bad mood. For whatever reason, I say fuck it, I'm wearing my bad luck shirt today. If today's going to be a fucking bummer, I may as well live it up. Work was... troubling. Nothing too bad right now, but things aren't working out for me, and I'm hoping to avoid big trouble later. At about noon, I hear from the airport, and they say they are going to deliver my bag from 6-8PM. For whatever reason, this doesn't cheer me greatly.

I get home, and wait. The driver shows up at about 9PM. I already know I'm fucked. But there was nothing I could do. I took that bad inside and checked for my GPS. I knew it wasn't going to be there. I know not to pack expensive things in checked luggage. I've made the mistake before, and got screwed then too. The security guys are going to scan your luggage, and if they see something weird, like electronics, they're going to open the bag. And if it's not them, it could be the guys at the airport, or the guy that drives it out to you. The airline refuses to take responsibility, and if they refuse to take responsibility, there is no reason for them to protect against theft.

I'm not superstitious enough to actually believe it's a bad luck shirt. I have just happened to have had some particularly bad experiences while wearing the shirt. Of course it's all coincidental, and my bad feelings about the shirt probably create a self-fulfilling prophecy. But come on, my bad attitude doesn't have anything to do with my GPS being stolen.

Lessons Learned:
1.) Don't pack expensive items in your checked luggage. I actually know this one, but it's been a while, and I wasn't thinking along those lines when I packed.

2.) Retire the shirt already. Maybe I'll burn it in the desert, or maybe I'll just tear it to pieces in a more personal ceremony.

3.) Don't tempt fate. Just because something bad is going to happen, it doesn't mean that things can't get even worse. I had an upset stomach once, so I decided to eat Taco Bell. I figured, if I already have an upset stomach, how much worse could it get? Much worse.


thuy said...

it's not the shirt. it would be a shame to lose more than you already did. keep it.

rainbow said...

I agree. Don't blame the shirt. I like the shirt.

punkinpie said...

burn the shirt asap (or save it for ritualistic burning in the desert). it'll make you feel good.