Wednesday, September 2, 2009

5 weeks and 2 days ago you were born

I can't believe 5 weeks have passed already and I can't believe that it's only been 5 weeks!

I feel like in the past couple weeks I've finally mostly gotten the hang of this Mom thing. I feel like most of the time I can fix whatever is making Madelyn unhappy. Most of the time. And during those times when I can't, it tears me up inside.

Madelyn is usually a pretty mellow baby. She's usually happy and when she has unhappy times, they can be solved. Usually. For the past couple days she's been having a really large amount of gas. She gets really unhappy about that, to the point of scream crying. Sometimes doing bicycle movements with her legs, or massage with help. But sometimes nothing seems to help. When that's the case it's really hard to deal with. Even though I know there's nothing I can do, it still tears me up inside. It makes me crazy, really. The hormonal reaction in me when Madelyn is crying is so intense. Wow, is all I can say. I can see why some women go nuts. I've gotten pretty close myself, but only a couple times. Luckily I do have the presence of mind to walk away and calm down.

I'm completely against leaving a crying infant alone. I think that at the very least they should have human contact and comfort especially if you can't solve their problem. I also believe that it's in everybody's interest for me to walk away for a couple minutes when I get so worked up. It's the dichotomy of parenting, I suppose.