Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Signs of Genius

Wow, it sure has been a long time since I last posted. There's a number of reasons for that. It began because all I was really thinking about and focusing on was being pregnant and we weren't ready for a public disclosure of that yet. I guess I got in the "habit" of not posting and time just ticked on by.

I have lots to say now and I've thought of several good posts in the past several weeks. Somehow I never made it here to post them though. I'll work on that and see how things go.

This picture is what happens when my honeypot starts to get creative with ink. It happens a couple times a year, in various rooms in our home. Pretty fun, huh?

In other news, I'm due in 8 weeks now. I feel huge but several folks have said that I'm not that big. (And I love them for that!) She's been moving so much. Sometimes it's really uncomfortable. She was head down (Left Occiput Anterior), which is the perfect birthing position, for the past several weeks. She flipped head up on Wednesday. Hopefully she'll flip again because right now she's in breech and my midwife won't deliver her at home. I've got 8 weeks to convince her to move around. Wish me luck!